Left Of The Slash Get Loud at The Viper Room

If you weren’t at The Viper Room in West Hollywood, California on October 7th witnessing Left Of The Slash put on a legendary and energy-filling set, well, you sincerely missed out on something special. Led by front man Stephen Reid Nemeroff, it was truly a night with magic in the air and rock and roll in our hearts.

Having covered the band for months now, we finally got the opportunity to witness the greatness in a live setting, which is what we’d been hoping for all this time. Getting to see it all go down at one of Los Angeles’ most historic and famous venues was an obvious added bonus and it definitely added to the allure of it all come show time. While there were plenty of acts that opened up for Left Of The Slash, the real treasure came when the main event kicked off.

Hearing them rip and roar through their now classic hits, and even dusting one off that Nemeroff said hadn’t been played in 20 years, the crowd was electric and thoroughly enjoying every passing moment. For a moment, we felt transported back in time to the heyday of The Viper Room when now incredibly famous acts were just getting their start. Who knows, maybe that could be them, but only time can tell for now.

The show was truly an exhilarating performance from start to finish and it really left an impression on us that this group are the real deal. While of course the energy flowed their Nemeroff, there’s no possible way we could forget the rest of the band who brought their A-game into the mix. Every instrument was on point and you could sincerely feel the passion and gratefulness for being on a big stage playing for the masses. Live music is back baby and we’re beyond thrilled!

If you ever get the opportunity, definitely don’t miss out if Left Of The Slash announces a tour date in your city. You’re guaranteed nothing but good times and even better music.

For all things Left Of The Slash, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Left Of The Slash







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