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The Quilts break down their powerful debut single, "Sweet Molasses"

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Shared officially on April 16th, 2021, The Quilts have come forward with their fantastic debut single, “Sweet Molasses”. We got the opportunity to sit with the band and pick their brains on everything surrounding this release. Watch our full interview below.

Scattered across Ohio, The Quilts are made up of Chris Scott (lead vocals), Steven Altonen (guitar), Mike Hennel (drums) and Doug Roskovics (bass). Honing in on an alternative and blues-based rock and roll sound, their debut single “Sweet Molasses” instantly took us by hold. In our interview with the band, we got all the details on what the band is about and what we can expect in the future.

Speaking with Chris, Steven, and Doug was an absolute pleasure and a beyond memorable experience. We’ll go ahead and kick things off here with the obvious recommendation to check out the single, as well as the interview, but also to keep a close eye on everything that’s planning on being released hopefully by summer. If what they said holds up, there’s going to be plenty of The Quilts coming real soon.

Speaking directly on the single itself, “Sweet Molasses” speaks to the millions of people affected (both directly and indirectly) by the ongoing Opioid Crisis. As a band, they’ve seen first-hand what the abuse of these drugs can do to a mother, father, sister, brother, friend, etc. and the emotional toll this pandemic continues to hold on so many communities across the country. The song is representative of two voices - those abusing and those that are affected by the abuse."

"Sweet Molasses" was written and produced by Chris Scott and Steven Altonen. It was originally recorded and engineered by Altonen at his studio in Cincinnati, OH. Super Producer/Engineer Chuck Alkazian (Pop Evil, Soundgarden, Tantric) edited, mixed and co-produced the track's final version at legendary Pearl Sound Studios (Asking Alexandria, Eminem, Filter) in Canton, MI.

If there’s one thing we love about speaking to musicians, especially those who we enjoy the music they’re making, it’s getting inside the heads of them and knowing what makes them tick as artists. Each individual member of The Quilts were beyond generous to give thoughtful and in-depth answers that definitely surpassed our expectations of what we imagined. It’s got us super excited to hear the multiple directions they plan to take, especially because they’re adamant on not pigeonholing themselves into one single genre. Based on our talk and what they’ve been listening to in their free times, this is for sure going to be a complex listen once the EP and eventual full length album see the light of day.

With that being said, it’s about that time we’ll recommend yet again to check out their debut single, “Sweet Molasses”. For all things The Quilts, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Sweet Molasses”



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