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Useless Spacemen deliver big on debut LP, "The Marlboro Man Rides Again"

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Making a swift return after their 2018 self-titled EP, Useless Spaceman are back with a debut album that delivers big from start to finish. Read on for a closer look at The Marlboro Man Rides Again, in addition to a background on this immensely talented band.

Currently representing the music scene all the way over in Melbourne, Useless Spacemen have expertly blended genres on their debut record, The Marlboro Man Rides Again. With influences coming from punk, pop, with glimmers of psychedelia spread throughout, this record takes the listener on a musical journey through deep and contextual themes as well. Considering this was our introduction to the band, they’ve ultimately left us incredibly impressed and we can’t wait for everyone out there to give this a focused listen.

As instrumentally impressive as this record really is, it also dives into touchy lyrical topics such as anxiety, addiction, and so much more. It’s worth connecting the dots through the 8 track run, but don’t forget to rock out in the process either. Coming in at 8 total tracks, spanning right around 37 minutes, Useless Spacemen immediately immerse the listener into the coveted album experience on the opener “When You Leave Planet Earth” and keep a hold on you until the final notes. While there are certainly some outward high-energy moments scattered throughout the album, they do a fantastic job of constantly shifting momentums and keeping you guessing as to what other styles might pop up.

The record itself was released on April 29th, 2022, but if you happen to find yourself around Melbourne on May 7th, the band has an album launch party scheduled at The Gasometer Hotel. Unfortunately we’re across the world and unable to make it, but our initial thoughts after listening were just how well this record is going to translate in a live setting. Specifically, we’d be beside ourselves if we saw “Alligators” or the self-titled track “The Marlboro Man Rides Again” played in front of us. There’s no doubt in our minds that the rest would sound divine, but it’s 100% a can’t miss show if you’re in the area.

With all that being said, we can’t help but overwhelmingly recommend a listen as soon as possible. To do so, we’ve included the important links below to check it out, follow along, and to stay tuned for plenty more on the way. Enjoy!

Listen to The Marlboro Man Rides Again




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