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Tori BLK excels on her highly personal EP, "The Fools Heart"

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Filled with personal experiences of unrequited love, rejection, loss, and more, Tori BLK’s latest EP The Fools Heart is nothing but fantastic from start to finish. Please read on for a closer look into the record, in addition to a background on the artist.

Born and raised in Yuma, Arizona, Tori BLK is an alternative pop artist, vocalist, and songwriter who has truly outdone herself on her latest musical endeavor, The Fools Heart. With her soft yet inviting vocals at the helm, paired with a top tier production that features infinite soundscapes, there’s no doubt in our minds listeners all over are going to thoroughly enjoy their listen. We’ve been listening nonstop and have been able to experience new highs through each listen.

Coming in at just four tracks total, Tori BLK has gone above and beyond in crafting imagery-filled lyricism that delicately highlights these moments in her life. Through catchy melodies and passages that we already know we’ll be singing once we learn the words, you quickly realize just how close to her heart these songs are. While the EP is currently only available for purchase on Bandcamp (linked below), it’s set to come to streaming platforms around mid-May. However, we always recommend supporting the artist, so don’t be afraid to check out her Bandcamp page.

Through these four songs though, not only has she showed off her musicianship in terms of vocal range and instrumental choices, but an underrated ability has been the song structure. In today’s world, especially within the grand scheme of the pop genre, there’s way too much of the same being pumped out. What makes The Fools Heart different is the fact that it’s bursting at the seams with passion and each song holds its own feeling. You still manage to get that full record experience within the cohesion of it all, but as an artist it’s legitimately a work of art in the way that she’s presented the full package of the record. We promise, it’ll all make sense once you hit the play button.

With that being said, we’re urging everyone out there to get their ears on Tori BLK’s latest work, it’s magnificent. You can do so by checking out the important links below. Don’t forget to follow her on her social media to stay up to date either!

Listen to The Fools Heart




Artist Website

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