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Temperature Falls fuse infinite genres on jaw dropping album, "Protagonist"

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Furthering their sound and exploring new avenues once again, Temperature Falls are fresh off the release of their 4th record, Protagonist. Keep reading as we break down our thoughts on the album, as well as an update on the band.

Currently based out of Norway, Temperature Falls are always on the path to expanding their already complex sound and style. We’ve reviewed them in the past, more specifically on their single “Hide”, but since then they’ve been quite prolific in their releases. Once again, the band has topped themselves on their fourth full length album titled Protagonist, one that we’ve thoroughly enjoyed through multiple listens. Without a doubt, we’re highly recommending everyone out there click the play button on this beauty.

Coming in at 10 total tracks, spanning right around the 40 minute mark in runtime, Protagonist might just be Temperature Falls’ most cohesive record to date. Essentially it feels like what they’ve done is taken all the cues from previous releases and managed to fuse them into one grand and slightly suspenseful sound. There’s so much happening at once, but for us, we always appreciate genre-bending in the aim to create something entirely new. Listeners will be able to scope out glimmers of alternative indie, trip hop, industrial beats, and other little bits for a record that truly challenges you to listen closely and immerse yourself into the album experience. While we’re more than sure there’s plenty of important themes being covered within the lyrics, our focus was intent on feeling the energy and drama that are ever present in this album.

Picking out specific songs as favorites would almost be an impossible task, mainly because we’ve found Protagonist to flow so nicely as one, rather than individual songs. Sure, specifics like “Reach” or “Apology” are fantastic examples of their exotic sound, but really you’d be missing so much if you didn’t listen completely. The vocals reach these euphoric and emotional highs, the instrumentation continually has you guessing, and the production is as crisp and clean as one could hope for. Temperature Falls have yet again solidified themselves as a true leader in the game of experimental and thought provoking music.

While we patiently await a follow up, click those links below to listen, follow along, and to stay tuned for all major updates in the new year. Enjoy!

Listen to Protagonist

Band Website




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