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Stella Prince debuts an angelic new single, "Before You Leave"

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Released officially on March 12th, 2021, Stella Prince has put forth an absolutely lovely single, “Before You Leave”. Read along with us as we break down our complete thoughts on the track, in addition to a background on this blossoming artist.

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16 year old Stella Prince is a singer and songwriter specializing in acoustic folk music. Currently based out of New York’s Hudson Valley, she also frequents Nashville in which she’s performed at their legendary venues The Bluebird Cafe, The Colony, and more. What she’s created on “Before You Leave” has taken us by hold and is not letting go; it’s beauty in its finest form.

At just a little under two and a half minutes in total runtime, the song starts out on a bright note of acoustic guitars, quickly shifting to more of an orchestral approach. Creating a depth of sound to set the base is what we love to hear in our music, but what obviously put it over the top was the moment Stella’s angelic vocals entered the mix. At only 16 years old, which is truly hard to believe, we couldn’t believe that a mature voice like that was coming across our headphones.

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Needless to say, chills have been reverberating down our collective spines since “Before You Leave” crossed our paths. It should go without saying at this point, but of course we’re highly recommending all the listens to this song. As folk lovers ourselves, we usually judge a bit harder when it comes to familiar styles, however the artist has surpassed our every expectation that we had. It’s got us all incredibly excited for the future and what else will be released.

Speaking of, considering that “Before You Leave” has been released so early in 2021, the hope is that more is on the way soon enough! Whether it be in the form of an EP or full length record, we’ll take all the Stella Prince we can get. For now though, we’ll be endlessly streaming this track, trying to capture the beauty over and over.

With all this being said though, it’s abundantly clear at this point that we’re fans. Do yourself a huge favor and check out all the links below in order to listen and follow along with the artist. Enjoy!

Listen to “Before You Leave”




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