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Rachel Mason and Nina Sundstrom collaborate on meaningful EP, "Get Over It"

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Review by Austin Sher

Shared globally on January 18th, 2021, Rachel Mason and Nina Sundstrom have collaborated on an incredibly unique EP, titled Get Over It. Please do yourselves a favor and check out our detailed thoughts on the record, as well as a background on these talented artists.

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Released on Blue Monday, award-winning songwriter and mental health ambassador Rachel Mason and co-writer Nina Sundstrom have shared their collaboration EP that covers the ins and outs of mental health. Get Over It is the title, which is often something said to those struggling, but is never the solution. 

Together the collaborators have broken down the record into 4 songs, in which each look at different parts of the mental health journey that most will experience. The hope is that listeners around the world will discover Get Over It and find solace, comfort, and a sense of togetherness knowing that they’re not experiencing these emotions alone, there’s people out there just like you.

Like the last single that we covered from Rachel Mason, “Illuminate The Night”, her music is deeply heartfelt, meaningful, and takes an inconceivable amount of courage to spread these messages. So many people across the world bottle up these emotions and feelings hoping that they’ll go away. The purpose of this music is not only to get the messages across, but to find comfort as well. We can only hope that Rachel and Nina’s collaboration on this was a feeling of liberation and that they felt better transferring their feelings into a record of beauty.

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Putting the lyrics aside for just a moment, we do have to comment on how just instrumentally impressive Get Over It was. If these were just turned into strictly instrumentals, it would still be as beautiful as it was with the inclusion of lyrics. With the inclusion of lyrics though, it very obviously adds an immense layer of depth considering that their voices are angelic in every way possible. Shivers down our spine on each song would be an understatement, that basically didn’t stop from start to finish.

At only around 13 minutes of total runtime, the record gets its point across swiftly without overstaying its welcome. What you’ll experience is a jam packed record full of ideas and emotions that is wonderfully produced and well executed given the subject matter. It should go without saying at this point, but it’s no surprise that we’re highly suggesting and recommending that all readers give it a listen. Whether you’re struggling with similar problems yourself, or just want to get into the mindset of those that are, do not pass this one up.

As always when it comes to creatives like Rachel and Nina, we’re always looking forward to what’s next. While we would never want to rush artists into creating more, especially on such dense themes, we’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for what else is to come. We think you should as well. 

With that being said, give Get Over It a close listen. This is the type of music that shouldn’t be listened to passively, rather with a close ear, and a quieter setting. Enjoy!

For all things Rachel Mason and Nina Sundstrom, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Get Over It

Instagram - Rachel Mason

Instagram - Nina Sundstrom

Facebook - Rachel Mason

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