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Opium Ink's 2018 single "Lucky 13" gets remixed by The Anix

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As if the original wasn’t great enough, Opium Ink’s 2018 single “Lucky 13” just got the remix treatment from The Anix. Read on for an in-depth look at the “new” track, in addition to an update on one of our personal favorite bands.

Continuing on their hot streak of singles in the past year, Opium Ink’s Sarah Orloff and Wilma Kaddissi are stopping at nothing to deliver more greatness to their growing fanbase. In this case though, they’ve received a so-called face lift to their killer 2018 song “Lucky 13”, but have managed to craft an even more booming version thanks to The Anix and his expert production skills. An obvious recommendation right at the beginning would be to check out the original first, quickly followed by a spin of the latest version.

As for the remixed version, the overwhelming first feeling that crashed over us was the inclusion of a much more grand and deep bass reverberating from start to finish. The Anix has taken an already stellar instrumentation and somehow made it more atmospheric and space-like. We promise it’ll all make sense once you listen, but you’ve just got to know how difficult it can be to take something that was already a 10 and push it to an 11. Sarah and Wilma consistently push themselves and infuse all the passion in the world to their music, but there’s infinite subtle effects that twist and turn this for the better.

Their genre typically falls under the umbrella of electro rock, with so many other elements that show themselves, however this version certainly leans more towards electronic which certainly feels like a sonic shift. As summer peaks its head around the corner and we hastily prepare for the hot weather, this is 100% the type of music we’ll have on our playlists to raise the energy and get the party started. There’s an unfounded jolt of adrenaline that comes bursting out and that’s a testament to this remixed version and its differences to the original. Honestly, there’s no critiques or changes we’d want to make, this thing is flawless.

With all that being said, this is just another piece of beauty to add on to an already impressive discography. Go ahead and please check out those links below to listen, follow along, and of course to stay tuned for the next big track.

For all things Opium Ink, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Lucky 13 (The Anix Remix)”







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