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Nicemark serenades with his end of summer single, "Of You" featuring Maya Killtron

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Review by Austin Sher

Released today on August 21st, 2020, Nicemark is back with a perfect end of summer single that features lovely vocals from Maya Killtron. Read along with us as we dive deep into our thoughts on the track, as well as a bit of bio on the artist himself.

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Nicemark is a Toronto based project led by Mark Calderone, who writes, records, and produces his music. Influenced by soul, psychedelic rock, funk, and hip hop, Nicemark is your invitation to make yourself at home at the party. 


"Of You" is the latest single coming from the artist in which the catchy and upbeat arrangement features vocalist Maya Killtron whose effortless and seductive voice evokes the feeling of being in love with someone who doesn't know it. It’s perfect for a late night pool-hop or being kissed by the sun, "Of You" will remind you to squeeze the most out of these remaining summer nights. 


Our immediate first impressions on “Of You” were just how clean and crisp the production sounded, Nicemark absolutely knocked it out of the park on that front. Each instrument shines when it needs to and ultimately made the song for us. As big fans of the psychedelic pop scene, just the instrumentals alone sounded very reminiscent of Tame Impala, which is singing some serious praise as that’s quite difficult to pull off. 

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Of course we couldn’t get through a review without mentioning the immense talent of Maya Killtron on vocals, she crushed it from start to finish. Her vocal delivery was so breezy and fit in extremely well with the overall atmosphere and vibe that the song gave off. As mentioned above, the song could fit in almost any scenario, but would be preferable to listen to poolside, cruising with the top down, or just hanging around the house. One thing we loved is just how versatile the sound was. 


Coming in at around 4 minutes, the song absolutely does not overstay its welcome in the slightest. In fact, the production is begging for an instrumentals only version of the track, we’d be thrilled to hear such a thing. With that being said, the shredding guitar solo towards the back half is really what set the whole thing off, it just took it to a whole different level of awesome as soon as it entered. 


At this point, after just a small sample of Nicemark’s music, you could consider us big fans. We can’t wait to see what’s coming next...and hopefully soon! For all things Nicemark, to listen to “Of You”, and to keep up with all future releases, please check out the following links below. 

Listen to “Of You”


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