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Mr. Macabre unleash their blazing new record, "Andro's Revenge"

Review by Austin Sher

Planned for its worldwide release on December 12th, 2020, we got the unique opportunity to review Mr. Macabre’s newest record, Andro’s Revenge. Spoiler alert, it’s great! Read along with us for our full thoughts on the record.

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Following up their previously released 2020 album, xoxo, Mr. Macabre are back with a second full length LP, titled Andro’s Revenge. This one is heavier and crunchier than ever. For those who may be unaware of the group, Mr. Macabre self produced all of their music, and have managed to make it work while being in quarantine throughout the process. According to the group, their genres “broadly consist of Funk and Metal, like the bands Faith No More, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus, and Primus, but we challenged ourselves to try out some reggae, songs with middle eastern influences, and surf was particularly interesting to us, as it’s a very popular style in Southern California, but we couldn’t just produce surf songs. We wanted to take their fives, and crank them up to elevens, in an effort to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.”

You might remember not too long ago when we reviewed their past single, “Aloha Road”. Well let us just say that this is almost a complete 180 from what you may expect. On Andro’s Revenge specifically, Mr. Macabre are becoming masters at bending genres, and doing it quite well at that. Coming in at 12 tracks (with a bonus), the record is all over the place in the best way possible. Nearly every song, one after the other, is an amalgamation of the past sound mixed with something new. They’re not holding back and they’re so clearly having a good time while doing it. 

The band let us know that they initially wanted to have a jazz oriented album, but ultimately decided against that in order to remain “commercial” in the slightest sense. While jazz can be commercial, we do think that was the right call as you don’t want to immediately polarize a new listener. We do feel that there are some polarizing tracks on the record for the true fans, but if this happens to be your first dive into the band’s discography, you certainly will not be disappointed. Truly there is something for everyone here!

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Whether you’re a fan of funk, metal, reggae, and so much more, there are certain passages of the album that you’ll like more than others. All together though, it really does come together for one cohesive listening experience that is hell bent on keeping the listener focused and enthused throughout. 

Instrumentally, there’s a ton going on! From the unique vocal deliveries across the listen, to the uniquely put together rhythm sections, Mr. Macabre is succeeding at keeping things loose, and that’s why we love them. So at this point we really don’t want to spoil anything else, because we can’t wait for you to listen on release day! (December 12th, by the way).

Until then, for all things Mr. Macabre, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Mr. Macabre




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