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Motel 86 let loose on their all new single, "Back To You"

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Review by Austin Sher

Officially released on December 17th, Motel 86 have delivered their rocking debut single, “Back To You”. We’re loving it! Read along with us for our full featured review of the track, in addition to a brief background on the band as well.

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Based out of Redding, California, Motel 86 are an alternative rock band that stems from their influences surrounding indie punk and rock and roll. With their first single “Back To You”, which is actually a cover by Twerps, they’re all set to release their newest album on January 21st. If you loved this, then get ready for a whole lot more coming soon!

For the fans of the original, and for those listening for the first time, Motel 86 have done an impeccable job on this cover. Not only have they stayed relatively faithful to the original, but they’ve managed to impart their own signature sound that lets all new listeners know that they’re capable of emulating anything.

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While this was our first foray into the music of Motel 86, they’ve certainly piqued our interest in terms of their debut album coming so soon. As lovers of all things indie and punk, our bar is usually set a tad higher when judging the quality of output, however, in just a little over 2 minutes of listening on this single we can confidently say that we’re fans of whatevers to come in the future.

Right off the bat on “Back To You”, it isn’t long until your headphones are filled up with a wall of sound. Preferably, you’re going to listen to this one on max volume to really gain that full effect. Obviously we’re all missing concerts, especially mosh pits, so try to envision yourselves witnessing this live and first hand. Someday soon, hopefully in 2021, we’ll get to see a live performance of this where it rightfully belongs and deserves to be played. 

Filled with big booming drums, ripping bass lines, and a guitar that just won’t step shredding, this one is a winner. As mentioned, we’re incredibly excited to hear some original tunes from Motel 86 and thankfully the wait won’t be too long as they’re all set for their major release this week. In the meantime though, you might as well get yourself in the right headspace by giving this a listen or two. Enjoy!

For all things Motel 86, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Back To You”


Apple Music


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