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MN Cappo & company deliver an exhilarating new EP, "Liquid"

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Review by Austin Sher

Released officially on December 12th, 2020, MN Cappo and his star studded cast of features have collaborated on an all new EP, Liquid. Do yourselves a favor and please read along with us for our full thoughts on the record, as well as a background on its creation.

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For those who might be unaware, MN Cappo is a Hip Hop Artist and Producer currently based out of Canberra in Australia. As you’ll hear within the record, the artist has a huge passion for old school Hip Hop in regards to the flows and beats produced. 


Featuring an eclectic mix of Hip Hop, Soul, R&B, Jazz, Pop, and so much more, there are an immense amount of elements that went into the creation of Liquid. Before we get started, we have to state just how impressive the artists are that MN Cappo enlisted to feature on each track. Here’s a list of the talent: Groovy Daughter, Jack Taylor, Samuel Le, Papuadij, Fake Em, Joshua Nevis, and Koebi Faumui. All seriously fantastic and all worth checking out in their own right.

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MN Cappo let us know that Liquid  is a project he recorded, produced and mixed during his studies as a Sound Engineer at CIT Reid. Coming in at a total of 5 tracks, spanning 18 minutes, it is absolute beauty. Each song features its own specific style, whether it be going back that old school hip hop, jazz, or pop sound. Truly though, each track could branch off and be its own idea or album of its own. We’d love to see a sort of spin off with a specific genre picked and work off of that.

While it would be impossible to pick a favorite, as they were all standouts, we can confidently recommend to the reader that the entire EP is worth checking out. You’re bound to find something on there that you love, and you might even find a specific artist that’s featured to branch out and listen to as well. With that being said though, we have to commend MN Cappo on putting this magic together, we absolutely adore it, and have no choice but to follow his career from here on out. Congrats to him!

So what are you waiting for? Now is about the time we’ll let you know to stop reading and start listening! For all things MN Cappo, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

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