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Lucius Echo evolves his sound on stunning single, "Opium"

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Continuing to evolve his sound and run the gambit of genres and styles, Lucius Echo has made his return with a fantastic new track titled “Opium”. Please read on for our full review of the single, in addition to an update on the artist.

From the genius mind of Nicholas King comes his musical alter ego that he’s named Lucius Echo. With an endless love for music and infinite influences that make up his eclectic style, he’s back at it on “Opium”. Through our repeated listens, we honestly think this might be the most well produced and expansive song he’s put out yet, however we’ll let the listeners be the judge once you all hit the play button. He’s taken inspiration from his favorite artists and created something unique to his own.

While of course we don’t want to spoil too much here, we’ll give it away and say that we’ve got an upcoming interview with the artist that should hopefully provide all the necessary details surrounding “Opium”. As we wait, let us confidently tell you how much we’ve enjoyed it since its release. Comparing it to past tracks that air on the side of Hip Hop with Rock or Metal elements, this has certainly leaned more towards Hip Hop with a twist. Normally you’re getting Lucius at his most focused when he’s rapping directly to you, but with voice alterations and a seriously stunning production, there’s a depth created here that we didn’t know he was capable of.

Most of this artist’s music features a grit and darkness to it, and while it’s never at the forefront, it’s sort of a looming suspenseful section hanging in the background. It’s become a signature of his to let you know this is a Lucius Echo original, and it goes even beyond the genres he’s chosen. “Opium” is special in the fact that this feels like an amalgamation of everything he’s made so far into one perfect and succinct listen. As an artist, you’re always growing and evolving in different aspects, but the final product produced here easily has to be the most fleshed out piece of art he’s released. If anything, let it be the reason to do a deep dive on the rest of his discography that stands on its own.

For all things Lucius Echo, to listen, follow along, and to keep up with all news and information, check out the links below.

Listen to “Opium”


Apple Music







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