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Lucius Echo releases his genre bending debut album, "Ethereal"

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Review by Austin Sher

After so many singles have released, the day has finally come. Lucius Echo has officially debuted his all new record, Ethereal. Please read along with us for our full thoughts on the album, as well as a refresher on the artist as well.

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In case you forgot, we’ve been covering Lucius Echo for a little while now. Including his cover of Thrice’s “Hurricane” and past single, “The Culling Stone”. Well after so much time, we’re thrilled to see that the artist has come forward with a fully complete work of his own, in the form of an album called Ethereal. From start to finish, it’s truly great and is reworking genres song by song. Before we get into it though, we’d love to bring you up to speed on a little background of the artist.

Lucius Echo, also known as Nicholas King, was born in 1996 and grew up living between Newburgh, IN, Henderson, KY and Louisville, KY. His love of music and all things “different” and “unique” was a bit overshadowed in his early years by his hyper-energy, love of having fun, not liking to go to bed without multiple discussions along with the tendency to not complete school assignments!:) As he got older however, his love of music, art, parkour, free running, storytelling, martial arts among many other things started to manifest. However, this again was overshadowed by his diagnosis with T1D at the age 12 and subsequent teenager battles with himself, others, self-esteem, A1C, medications, drugs, psychiatric crisis, homelessness and relapses.

Fighting through all of those minor setbacks, he came out on top and has been creating ever since. Whether he’s covering class tunes or creating works of his own, he’s staying on top of things and being the better person. Considering the artist is so early on in his career and is already releasing full length albums (that are fantastic), we’re confident and truly thrilled for what’s to come years down the line. We’d never want to rush an artist and their craft, but we are quite excited to hear whatever may follow up Ethereal.

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On the record itself, Lucius Echo brings together a ton of different genres, yet manages to keep everything coherent from start to finish. There’s glimmers of hip hop, classic rock, R&B, bits of jazz, and so much more. Providing a path to be inclusive of it all shows just how much the artist trusts himself in his creations. 

While the record comes in at 7 total tracks, there isn’t a moment of dullness featured on the entire thing. He aims to keep things fresh, concise, and interesting throughout the entire listen. It’s not bloated in the sense that there are no filler tracks. Every song was included with purpose to tell the story that the artist wanted to come across. We’d never want to spoil an album, so all we’ll really tell you is that we’re highly recommending and suggesting for you to take the time out of your day and listen as much as you can. The artist so clearly spent significant time creating, so the least we can do to support is listen to greatness that was achieved.

With it being released on a Friday, there’d be no better way to kick off your weekend than to check out Ethereal. For all things Lucius Echo, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Ethereal





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