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Leonie Evans delivers unpredictable charm on single, "I Really Do"

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Leonie Evans’ latest single, "I Really Do," is a testament to the magic that can unfold when spontaneity and raw talent collide. The first taste from her upcoming Collaborations Volume 3, this track was recorded in New Orleans in just one day, with a band who brought their unique touch to Evans’ introspective songwriting. The result is a piece that feels both intimate and expansive, weaving together the rawness of Evans’ lyrics with an eclectic blend of instrumental textures.

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At the heart of "I Really Do" is Evans’ unmistakable voice—delicate yet powerful, with a delivery that is as unique as it is captivating. There’s an honesty in her performance that cuts through the lush instrumentation, making every word feel like a personal confession. Evans penned the song as a reflection on her struggles with romantic relationships and sexuality, and that vulnerability is palpable throughout the track. Yet, there’s also a sense of freedom, as the musicians she collaborated with were given the liberty to interpret and play with the song however they saw fit. This collaborative spirit shines through in the varied and atmospheric instrumentation, creating a rich tapestry of sound that elevates Evans’ emotive vocals.

The instrumentation on "I Really Do" is incredibly varied, with each musician bringing their own flavor to the mix. The song’s structure feels organic and fluid, as if it’s unfolding in real-time, with each instrument finding its place within the arrangement. The backing harmonies are particularly noteworthy, adding a layer of depth and atmosphere that complements the song’s introspective lyrics. There’s a subtle push and pull between the different elements, creating a dynamic composition that is both unpredictable and compelling.

One of the most striking aspects of "I Really Do" is its ability to balance complexity with accessibility. While the composition is intricate, with its shifting rhythms and layered harmonies, there’s a warmth and familiarity to the song that makes it immediately engaging. It’s a track that invites repeated listens, with each play revealing new details and nuances in the arrangement.

"I Really Do" serves as a powerful introduction to Collaborations Volume 3, promising a collection that will be as diverse and richly textured as the musicians involved. Evans has once again proven herself to be a fearless and innovative artist, unafraid to explore new sonic territories while staying true to her emotional core.

We’re quite excited for more, but in the meantime, we urge everyone out there to take a moment and click those links below to listen and follow along for more!

Listen to “I Really Do”

Artist Website





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