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Keenwild take a stand against bullying on electrifying new single, "Vicious"

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Review by Austin Sher

With the first single off their debut album, Make Me Feel, Keenwild are here with an electrifying new track, titled “Vicious”. Read along with us as we break down our thoughts on the song, in addition to a bit of background on the band as well.

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For those unaware, Keenwild are a 2-piece band comprised of Jeney Kingsbury and Bill Gould. Growing up in small town Kansas, Jeney longed for city life and to be a professional singer. Performing in all of the singing events in her small town, she honed her vocal skills to perfection. As soon as she could get enough cash together, she packed her Chevy Beretta and headed west. As for Bill, he grew up in Southern California; music and entertainment were always a huge part of his life. He started hosting parties and making mixtapes for friends, while playing guitar and writing songs at home in his room. Bill met Jeney through a radio station website and with similar musical interests, the two quickly became friends.

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Ever since then, Keenwild have been making waves within the genre and it’s no surprise that “Vicious” is as good as it is, especially with their combined experience. You’ll be able to get the idea from listening, but “Vicious” is an anti hater/bully song. The band are not fans of bully culture and in particular they stand for equality for all - and that no one should be put down or talked about badly because of who they are. We couldn’t agree more! It’s about time headed in the direction of these messages.

Speaking more on the single, from start to finish, it just plain rocks. Opening with a crunchy guitar that’s quickly joined by the commanding vocals of Jeney, it makes for a thrilling track that sends a serious message. There’s no doubt you’re going to like it, and after you realize you do, get excited because a full length album is set to be released by Keenwild coming around November of this year. The title of it is Make Me Feel and we have to say we’re quite excited to hear what comes of it. We’ll definitely be keeping a close eye on the situation.

With all that being said, make sure to listen to “Vicious”! You can also keep up with Keenwild by checking out all of the links below.

Listen to ‘Vicious”

Artist Website






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