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Heka releases her masterfully crafted new single, "Redwoods (A Few Interesting Facts About Sequoias)"

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Review by Austin Sher

Released this past Friday on August 7th, 2020, Heka has released her masterfully crafted new single, titled “Redwoods (A Few Interesting Facts About Sequoias)”. Read along with us as we break down what we thought of the track, as well as a bit of background and insight into the artist. 

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If you’ve ever wanted to hear an extremely well produced track featuring facts about massive Redwood trees, then do we have a song for you! All kidding aside, Heka has put forth a seriously fantastic project that blew our first impressions out of the water. From here on out, we’ll be referring to the song as just “Redwoods”.

Heka currently lives in London and makes collage music, combining acoustic, electric and electronic instrumentation for a sound that's both bold and intimate: saturated lo-fi beats, distorted guitars and multi-layered vocals, each chasing the other in loops of melancholic melodies. Both the song and the video experiment (link at the end of the article) with lyrical, musical and visual collage, and build on a split stream of consciousness which repeats random facts about giant sequoias interlaced with an internal monologue of confused love. It's the first project that Heka has single handedly written, produced and independently released herself, following the EP she released last year with the guys at Juicy Records.

According to the artist, “The lyrics run like a stream of consciousness on two tracks: a relentless list of facts about sequoias is interspersed between lines from an internal monologue of confused love. Acoustic and electronic elements create a subtle tension between organic and inorganic sound: vocals shift from natural to robotic, guitar drowns in the beat.”

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From the beginning of the track, with full honesty, we really didn’t know what to expect. By the end though, we were absolutely taken aback by the quality and production value on “Redwoods”. Our immediate impressions were this could easily be a Bon Iver track, which is singing quite the high praise. 

The song evokes all different types of emotion and the slight yet noticeable addition of auto-tune made things a bit interesting as well. As far as indie music goes or is concerned, this is a seriously fantastic single that we beg of you to listen to on a high quality sound system. It’s practically begging to be listened to loud and proud. The soundscape and atmosphere that’s created in the background is something that induced waves of calm and serenity, which is quite difficult to do on a 3 minute song. 

All in all, we are unbelievably impressed with this project. If you liked the song, which you will, you’ll love the video, so please watch! From here on out, we’re Heka fans and we urge you to follow the trajectory of her career, because we seriously feel this song could take off.

For all things Heka, to listen to “Redwoods”, and to keep up with all the latest releases, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Redwoods (A Few Interesting Facts About Sequoias)” 

Facebook - @hekaproject

Instagram - @iamheka

Twitter - @iamheka

Soundcloud - @iamheka

Bandcamp - https://hekamusic.bandcamp.com/

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0pywJo7FyLovHMpmlIwWmL

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