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FOSS deliver a mesmerizing masterpiece with album, "Shapeless"

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In the ethereal expanse of the Icelandic highlands, Grammy-nominated pianist and composer Romain Collin has crafted a musical odyssey with the release of "Shapeless." This album, born out of a planned short retreat that evolved into a six-month period of near isolation during the pandemic, is an experimental electro-pop masterpiece reminiscent of Massive Attack, Thom Yorke, and beyond. 

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With "Shapeless," FOSS offers listeners a deeply introspective journey through lost love and solitude, intricately woven into soundscapes that are as haunting as they are beautiful. From the moment the album begins, "Shapeless" envelops the listener in a world of vast, atmospheric soundscapes. The opening track sets the stage with a sense of grandeur, immediately transporting you to the desolate yet awe-inspiring Icelandic landscapes that inspired its creation. The use of ambient sounds and subtle, layered effects creates an immersive experience, drawing you into the emotional depths of Collin's introspection.

The album's second track, "Vik," is a standout with its minimalist approach, focusing on unique vocal harmonies that resonate with a haunting beauty. The song's delicate balance between simplicity and complexity is a testament to Collin's skill as a composer, effortlessly blending ethereal melodies with a profound emotional weight. This track, along with others on the album, showcases Collin's ability to create a sense of space and stillness, allowing the listener to fully absorb the music's emotional nuances.

"Young" continues the journey with its captivating blend of experimental soundscapes and introspective lyrics. The track's intricate synthesizer work and atmospheric production, courtesy of Loucas, create a sense of longing and introspection, perfectly capturing the essence of Collin's artistic vision. The song's evocative melodies and haunting vocals draw you in, making it one of the album's most memorable moments.

As the album progresses, each track offers a different facet of Collin's musical exploration. The title track, "Shapeless," stands out with its massive style and experimental textures. The song feels like a confession, a journal entry of lost love and solitude set to a backdrop of intricate electronic elements and ethereal harmonies. The combination of ambient sounds, minimalist arrangements, and innovative production techniques creates a truly unique listening experience.

The album's closer, "How Could We Be?" is a fitting conclusion to this musical journey. With its rich, layered production and deeply emotional lyrics, the track encapsulates the themes of love and solitude that run throughout the album. 

Throughout "Shapeless," Collin's vocals are a standout feature, conveying a raw and vulnerable honesty that resonates deeply with the listener. His ability to blend elements of ambient, electronic, and pop music creates a sound that is uniquely FOSS. For those looking for something fully outside the box, yet artistically magnificent, this is the record for you. Click those links below to listen and follow along for more.

Listen to “Shapeless”

Band Website



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