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Electrobuddha debuts a rocking live version of single, "She's Electric"

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Seeing its official release on May 7th, 2021, Electrobuddha is back and rocking hard with the live release of their latest, “She’s Electric”. Please read along with us as we share our complete thoughts on the single, in addition to a background on the band.

Described as sounding like The Rolling Stones mixed with Jimi Hendrix and James Brown, Electrobuddha is the work of Mark Mccaffer. Having studied as a vocalist at Strathclyde University, he’s classically trained in funk, grunge, blues, rock, folk, and even more! On this newest track, “She’s Electric” makes for an absolutely fun and funky representation of his work so far.

Following up his 2020 record, The Psychedelic Kid, we’re hearing a live, intense, and open version of what you can imagine it would sound like if you’d seen it live. Our new hope in life is that we get to see this happen in a live setting, because we’re absolutely in love with everything we’ve heard so far. Seriously, it’s an overtly fun sounding track, but also showcases Mark’s skills as a front man and talented musician.

So the story goes on the background of the single, Mark says, “the song was actually written about a lass I was dating, but in the video I referred to 50’s style pin ups style and our fascination with the female form. It's kinda been compared to that ‘Jet’ song”. While he says to interpret however you'd like, it’s still always a plus to get any amount of origin story right from the artist himself.

As it appears that the release schedule as of lately has been rather frequent from Electrobuddha, our hopes are that more live versions like these are on the way. Like most, we miss live music with a passion, so to hear the true sound of what it’s supposed to feel like is such a nice change of pace. Everything about it is was wonderfully raw and an exhilarating experience while taking it all in. “She’s Electric” is 100% a winner in our eyes (and ears).

For now though, we’ll be doing some “musical homework” and digging into the rest of the music from the band to really get more of a sense of what it’s all about, and to hear the evolution of where it’s come from. Going forward though, please give us more tracks just like “She’s Electric”, the world needs it! Enjoy!

For all things Electrobuddha, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to The Psychedelic Kid





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