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Celestine Liu shows off her vibrant vocals on EP, "Precious"

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Gracing the fans with another stellar release in 2021, Celestine Liu has just shared an all new mini EP titled Precious. We are loving it! Read on for our glowing review of the record, in addition to a background on this highly talented artist.

For Chinese-born singer Celestine Liu, it seems as though there are no bounds for how expansive her music continues to be. Release after release, she continues to hone in her craft and show off the seemingly infinite skills she holds. On her newest three song EP called Precious, she’s showing existing and new fans first hand just how diverse and genre-expansive her music can be. Needless to say, this is a record you’re not going to want to miss.

As a professionally trained mezzo-soprano and songwriter, Celestine is perfectly all over the place on Precious. It’s not often that we quickly become enamored with the all encompassing message and atmosphere of a record, but each song has consumed us in how deep and complex they’ve gotten. Opening it up with the title track “Precious”, the artist clearly goes in a bass-fueled pop direction, but just like the constant throughout the EP, her vocals continue to be the focal point. It’s legitimately distracting how soulful her vocals are, but in an extremely endearing way. Celestine also impressed us with two great musical innovations: in "Precious", she blends contemporary Western melodies with the sounds of traditional Chinese instruments like Erhu and Guzheng; in "Struggle", she creatively combines rap with operatic singing in a well-structured way, making this track stand out from most other pop hits.

Seeing as though this is just her second overall release, we can only imagine the other tricks she’s got hiding up her sleeve. What Precious did for us as new listeners to Celestine’s music is provide us with context and an ideal introduction to an artist we didn’t know anything about. At the end of the 11 minute listen though, she created super fans in us, to the point where we’ll not only be coming back for more listens, but anxiously awaiting whatever comes next.

Beginning to wrap it up, at only three songs in length, you’d be a fool to not listen to them all in order. Hitting every corner of the musical spectrum and keeping the quality at an all time high, every song is its own little world that does nothing but deliver the goods. Celestine Liu is the real deal and it’s a journey we can’t wait to follow into the future.

For all things Celestine Liu, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to Precious



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