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Catherine Elms excels on anthemic debut single, "Frustrations"

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Taking an introspective look against the injustices we experience every day, Catherine Elms has come out incredibly strong on a debut single titled “Frustrations”. Please read on for our in-depth look at the track, as well as a background on the artist.

Currently based out of Swansea in the United Kingdom, Catherine Elms is a dark Alternative musician who has blown away our expectations on her debut, “Frustrations”. With help on the drums from Brian Viglione of The Dresden Dolls, this song embodies a focused fusion of genres spanning “hard rock and dark cabaret”. At the helm though, Catherine’s vocals quickly come out as the focal and selling point of the song as they’re easily the most dynamic piece of the track. Plain and simple though, this is both an artist and a song we highly suggest everyone take the time and check out. 

Through anthemic melodies and truly deep lyrics, “Frustrations” takes on a complex topic that feels like it doesn’t have a solution. Obviously the artist is voicing her concerns to the problems we see worldwide every single day, and though awareness is being brought on through infinite forms of news, there’s never enough eyes on these situations to stay stop. If anything, Catherine is brave and impassioned to craft her first song around atrocities we all witness day in and day out.

Putting aside the messaging for just a moment though, you can’t help but feel a burst of energy right from the opening notes. As far as the production and mixing goes, the stylistic decision to put her vocals at the forefront was ultimately the right one. It’s a lyric driven song at its core, but it still hasn’t stopped the backing instrumentation from providing a massive dose of attitude and grit. With those bombastic drums coming from Brian and the rest of the various production effects that make their way in, there’s plenty you could be missing out on if you’re not listening in carefully. An honest recommendation would be to give this repeated listens on a nice pair of headphones as opposed to your phone or laptop speakers.

In terms of this being a debut single, there’s legitimately nothing we would change or alter to make this better. It stands alone as something memorable and a perfect jump off point for a follow up that we hope comes as soon as possible. In the meantime, please check out the important links below in order to listen, follow along, and to stay tuned for the latest coming from Catherine Elms.

Listen to “Frustrations”

Artist Website






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