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A.M. Sokoll divulges the important details on newest single, "Hourglass" - Interview

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Written in the Summer of 2020, but just released recently, A.M. Sokoll is back with another hit single, “Hourglass”. We got the incredible opportunity to sit with the artist himself and talk all about it! Watch our latest interview below.

For those out of the loop, A.M. Sokoll is a singer, songwriter, composer, and all around talent from Detroit, Michigan who is now based in Seattle, WA. Having a sound that’s rooted in rock, pop, jazz, ambient, and more, the artist certainly has a unique style that encompasses everything he releases. Our latest interview with the artist was certainly the perfect tell all to “Hourglass”

In case you forgot, it wasn’t even too long ago that we reviewed the artist’s debut EP, Chateau. Since that fateful release day, we had really been hoping for the follow up, so thankfully it arrived. We obviously don’t want to give too much away here surrounding our interview, because we’d prefer you watched, but at the least we have to openly promote and recommend checking out “Hourglass”, among the rest of his discography.

So the story goes on “Hourglass”, the song was actually written in the Summer of 2020 during a time of extended isolation for A.M. In this period he, like many in isolation, was consumed by thought and this prompted a great deal of self-reflection. “Hourglass” is about accepting all the bad that got you to a good place, coming to terms with that and moving forward.

We can’t speak highly enough of the single, but mainly because he’s managed to hit what feels like an infinite amount of genres on this track. We’d consider it jazz heavy for sure, because the real standout are the drums and vocals here. The horns are certainly welcomed in all music we love and enjoy, but playing with time signatures and telling a compelling story throughout the near 6 minute track made for such a lovely listen. 

As we’ve recommended in the past, do yourselves a massive favor and check out A.M. Sokoll and his music, but also don’t miss out on a really fantastic interview that highlights the complex creativity he’s displaying as an artist.

For all things A.M. Sokoll, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Hourglass”


Apple Music






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