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Alizée expertly crafts her best work yet on new EP, "Rhythm & Girls"

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Review by Austin Sher

Released on January 23rd, Alizée has officially shared her all new EP, titled Rhythm & Girls. We are absolutely thrilled with it! Please read along with us as we break down our thoughts on the record, in addition to a brief bio on the artist as well.

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Currently representing the music scene in Sydney, Australia, Alizée is a 20 year old singer and songwriter who creates music within the genres of jazz, hip hop, and R&B. While she’s already got an impressive discography under her belt, we’re confident that this might just be her most cohesive release yet.

While she’s only 20 years in age, her overall sound, especially on the vocals side is much more mature than she lets on. Talent is beaming from her all throughout this short listen, but it exudes the feeling that she’s got a massive career ahead of her in terms of future output and opportunity. Having not been familiar with her work up until now, we’re honestly a little upset that she hadn’t come our way sooner considering the rest of her music is just as powerful.

As astounding as her performance was on the entirety of Rhythm & Girls, we’ve also got to give credit where its due to the production side of things. With the addition of DSC Left and SYNC.EXE helping out to produce the tracks “The Boy” and “Routine”, it absolutely made a difference in the overall sound of the performance. Alizée’s vocals are breathtaking, don’t get us wrong, but the finishing touches that helped out the atmospheric sounds you’re going to hear are really what took it to the next level for us.

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Seeing as we’re so only in the year of 2021, and that this record has just come out, we’re crossing our fingers that we might see another release soon. While we’d never want to rush an artist into making subpar work, we loved this EP so much that we need more as soon as possible. With that being said though, it should go without saying at this point that we truly are recommending and suggesting you take the time out of your day to give it a listen. It’s short enough to where it shouldn’t require too much of your time, but it also packs a serious punch with each subsequent listen.

Wrapping things up here, the blended styles and genres implemented into the record are ones that we hold dear and generally judge at a much higher level. Rhythm & Girls surpassed our expectations overall and we’d just like to reiterate how promising of a sound this really was. As Alizée continues to grow, find her voice, and revolutionize her sound, we’ll be happy to say we enjoyed her from the start. Enjoy!

For all things Alizée, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

 Listen to Rhythm & Girls



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