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Alessandro Montelli delivers an unforgettable experience on single, "Life"

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Review by Austin Sher

Shared with the world on January 22nd, 2021, Alessandro Montelli has released his new and unforgettable single, titled “Life”. Please read along with us as we share our detailed thoughts on the track, as well as a background and insight on the talented artist.

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Specializing in alternative pop, Alessandro is an Italian and Canadian performer who’s been imparting his musical vision for quite some time now. He is influenced by artists such as John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, Linkin Park, and My Chemical Romance, in addition to Italian Pop-Rockbands like Le Vibrazioni, Modà, The Kolors, Subsonica. While he certainly has his own signature sound, those artists still show themselves within his work.

Since 2016, when he released his first official single "Strane Parti di Me'', he’s been consistently touring and building his personal brand and sound. After moving to Toronto, Canada, that’s when things stepped up to the next level, especially during this past year with all the downtime. He had spent a lot of time writing, producing, and gearing up for more major releases like this one.

On “Life” specifically, Alessandro tells us that this is a song dedicated to his family and written after experiencing life in Canada. Every journey has its pros and cons, in which Alessandro breaks down parts of his most recent adventures in this two and a half minute thriller of a track.

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Now while a lot of music gets sent our way, sometimes it can be quite forgettable in the sense that it sounds very similar to one another. In this case though, Alessandro quickly proved to us that he is not average and that his sound is vastly different and unique compared to the rest. On such a short song, the artist managed to fully flesh out complete, inventive, and alternative ideas that made us immediately want more in the same vein.

Considering the artists that he had listed as influences, we had an idea of where the song might go. However, after listening multiple times, Alessandro had us 100% focused on each and every moment that would arise. From the strong acoustic guitar beginning and immediately showcasing his strong vocal delivery, the song did a complete 180 as soon as the massive beat dropped. We don’t want to give too much away because we feel it would almost be a spoiler, but the back half of the song is absolutely something special that we have not experienced in quite a while.

Overall, we were extremely impressed with Alessandro’s output on “Life” as a whole. The production value was top notch, there were surprises mixed in throughout, and he really did keep things light and fun during the experience of listening. A complete EP or full length album of songs just like these would be our ideal wish and hope, but because it is his music ultimately, we’ll let him take things in the direction that he pleases.

Seriously though, whether you’re into pop punk, glitch hop, or just plain experimental music that gets you thinking, please do yourself a favor and give this a listen immediately. You will not be disappointed and you will for sure discover an artist that is changing the game of music. With that being said, give it a listen, and enjoy!

For all things Alessandro Montelli, to listen, and to keep up with all future releases and information, please check out the following links below.

Listen to “Life”


Apple Music



Artist Website





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