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Martin Courtney Mesmerizes With "Magic Sign" at LA's Lodge Room

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Less than a month after his long-awaited follow up to Many Moons, Martin Courtney made his way into the Lodge Room in Los Angeles, California for a beyond memorable performance of his latest record, Magic Sign. Luckily for us, we got the opportunity to witness it all go down front and center, so please read our full recap of the night’s events, as well as a photo gallery displayed below.

You may know Martin Courtney best for his duties in legendary indie rock band Real Estate, but his talent is so overwhelming that it has flowed over to his solo project that we’ve sincerely enjoyed so much over the years. Now having had the chance to listen over and over to Magic Sign in its entirety over the past month, our expectations were quite high for how it would translate in a live setting, but ultimately Martin and the band delivered in a way that will have us replaying it in our heads for the foreseeable future. The set itself lasted around an hour’s time but they did a stellar job of seamlessly mixing in the hits from both records to the crowd’s delight.

One unexpected emotion of the night was how much harder the songs actually hit in a live setting. The band was firing on all cylinders even after opening up the set previously, but the passion that was given off was unprecedented. Some of our favorites from the night were certainly “Corncob” and “Outcome”, but we’d be lying to ourselves if we said that some surprise Real Estate tracks towards the end of the set didn’t light a fire under us. Although we weren’t alone, because the crowd definitely perked up a bit when those opening notes hit. We never imagined it to be that kind of show where everyone was rocking out endlessly, mainly given the tone of the album, but you could absolutely sense the love coming from the fans from beginning to end.

With all that being said though, we’re already awaiting the next show! If for some reason you’re unfamiliar with the work of Martin Courtney, we’ve provided all the important links below to listen, follow along, and of course to stay tuned for any major news. We hope you check out Magic Sign, it’s an underrated gem of the year.

Listen to Magic Sign




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